Dear Pastors and Evangelists – Your Belief is Not THE Authority in this Context

I watch a lot of people who go out and evangelize others and it is awesome. May this be multiplied and may the LORD raise up more workers for the harvest.

One thing I see that could be adapted is that I often hear people saying, “well, I believe ______________.” It is said in the most gracious and kind way, working hard to be respectful towards the other person.

The problem is that your belief is not the authority. Jesus is the authority. God is the authority based on what the Bible says.

If you watch Billy Graham, he really understood this. He doesn’t ever say, “I believe” such and such. Instead he says, “Jesus says….” or “God says…” or “The Bible says.” Because that’s where the authority is at.

Not what I believe. Not what you believe. But what God says.

Now how you live your life matters. Your belief matters. Your faith matters.

But when you preach, teach and evangelize, this change of how you phrase things shows the power is beyond yourself.

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