He Chose the Sinful – Luke 5:1-11

If you want to make a name for yourself, impact the world, and change it, there is one thing you do not do. You do not get followers who are sinful. They might ruin your reputation and cause problems for your work, not only based on their current behaviors but because of their past sins. People would find out.

Yet that’s who he chose.

We don’t know the sins of Peter. Nor do we know what created the emotional instability of the “Sons of Thunder” James and John. We just know that these were not the kind of disciples you wanted.

A true disciple of a rabbi looked different. The disciples were righteous people, committed, devoted, and had training. These would be people who worked their whole lives to follow after God. This kind of God-seekers were the people you would want.

But Peter? James and John? Or Andrew? Peter was a self-proclaimed unrighteous one and the brothers were hot-headed and quick-tempered boys.

Jesus said these ones were his.

It’s not that Jesus didn’t pick righteous disciples also. We know he did. Because we see that Nathaniel was one who had “no guile” (John 1:47).

It’s not also that these problem people were instantly mature or perfect or good. James and John wanted to call down fire upon people and Peter was zealous but clueless. But they were disciples. The longer they spent with Jesus the more they were changed. They left their wicked ways and became not people of the law but people of faith and love in Christ.

Jesus wasn’t afraid to have as his disciples screw-ups, sinful people, and people who had a past. In fact of all of the disciples, these were the ones who made the greatest impact.

Which means there is hope for me. And hope for you.

Jesus isn’t looking for perfect people.

But people who will follow him, love and grow in him without abandoning ship when things get hard.

He found them in this ragtag group of unlikely people.

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