Jesus Cried Out to God, So was He God? – Mark 15:34

Jesus quoted Psalm 22 (see previous) where it begins with, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

And it isn’t the first time he cried out to God. He often prayed to his Father.

But how does that work? If he is God, how can he pray to God? Isn’t he praying as a man?

Yes, he is God. It is clear in the Scripture. Endless times.

Also he is praying as a man to his Father?

Why? Because he humbled himself and clothed himself with humanity.

Therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God” (Hebrews 2:17).

When you understand the triune nature of God, this is not a problem. God is One God in Essence and 3 in persons. For example we are body, soul and spirit but one person. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are different and yet comprise the oneness of God.

It’s just like when my mind and my body make up who I am, but sometimes my body is tired and does not want to listen to my mind and will. I have to tell it to get out of bed to exercise or to make certain food choices. My body, mind and spirit live in relationship with one another.

In the same way, Jesus took on human flesh. He can pray to the Father as he isn’t the Father. And yet he is still united with the Father and all three form One Eternal God.

It’s only when you reject the trinity that becomes a problem. A real problem.

Soon I would like to put together a sheet of the trinity in the Bible. It’s in process but will be awhile as I have a lot of travel ahead.

In the meantime, look under Faith Notes–>Islam–Where Jesus Says He is God to see more of his place in the trinity.

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