Blogging through the Bible. Currently in The Gospel of John.
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When Paul met the Man in White and Ramadan – Acts 22
They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their...
Paul, a Life without Regret – Acts 20
Ok. This one starts out funny, tragic, then funny. Paul is going on and on and on. So much so that a young man...
Conflict is not a Stop Sign – Acts 18
A few months ago I was in a country doing an outreach where we were handing out Bibles to the public while members...
They Checked for Themselves – Acts 17
It really is a powerful proclamation. Paul, Timothy and Silas had been in Thessalonica and it got hostile. But then...
Beyond the Veil – Outreach Booklet
It's Ramadan. This means muslims throughout the world are fasting and seeking God. Many Christians pray during this...
Running Towards the Lions – Acts 21
Paul knew his end was near . Everywhere he went the Holy Spirit was warning him of chains, imprisonment and more. So...
Kingdoms in Conflict – Acts 19
We hate conflict. Just keep everybody happy and liking us and it is better. More peaceful. But that was not Paul's...
Jealousy and Money – Acts 17
If you read through the book of Acts and the birth of the early church, you see that people were fine with what Paul...
Lydia, the Woman of Peace & the Blessings of Hospitality – Acts 16
She was a worshiper of God but had did not have the full gospel. When she did hear the gospel, she received. And the...