To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

Se(ks)ual Immorality

Sorry I have to respell that but the censorship is real.

Woke up thinking of this issue of immorality because the issues are growing. It raises legitimate questions. Here’s the dilemma.

  1. Immorality is so rampant in our culture that people are looked down upon for not being “active” or seksually involved with others. It’s a point of mockery and condescension
  2. This kind of immorality is to common that a lot of people, even the people of God do not realize a lot of it is a sin.
  3. Culturally to call something sin is “hate speech”
  4. Those who do know it is a sin struggle. It’s not just the battle without. It’s the battle within.

So how do we handle these issues?

In the first 3 scenarios it isn’t hard. We hold our ground. We lovingly and kindly hold to the truth and do not compromise the truth to please other people. That’s how sin got its ground in the first place. We tried too hard not to hurt others’ feeling.

The truth is truth hurts. Even for ourselves. Truth isn’t a weapon or to be used as such. But truth doesn’t change. We hold onto it while finding a way to walk in love and truth. Just like Jesus did. He never compromised one for the other.

But it’s the battle within that is such a struggle. We are bombarded with messages every day. And the kids growing up, wowsers. They are seksualized even at a young age.

We cannot become victims. We must become warriors.

But how?

The truth is when we are angry, lonely, stressed and tired, our minds go to those dark places. We don’t like it. And if truth be told, we partly want it.

It’s the war within.

Here are some things I’ve learned.

  1. If we are going there as we are angry, lonely, stressed and tired, is there something we can do to change that? Forgiven, connect, cut out things we think are “necessary” and fight for our rest.
  2. If we do find ourselves drifting to a person we shouldn’t or a situation we shouldn’t, don’t tell them. Just get out and get away. Yes, it will be hurtful. But I’ve seen more people fall into bad situations because they
    communicating with someone “just to let them know.” When someone else knows, that door gets thrown open.
  3. Practice “roll away, run away.” Sometimes we have to be like Joseph and just run. Don’t communicate. Don’t say anything. Just get out of the situation.
  4. Stay in community. And connection. Have your 911 friends who will call you and actually do something to hold you accountable. Sometimes the best person is not your best friend. More like an authority who can do something.
  5. If we think we can read and see things and not be affected, we are wrong. That show may only have 10% immorality but that 10% will have 100% effect on you when you are weak.
  6. Spend our time in worship, prayer and the Word. We need our mind, heart and soul to go there. When we aren’t there with Him, we will fill it with other things.

There’s so much more that can be said. But the truth is we need to fight. That sounds valiant, but when it is something we enjoy and desire, it is a fight first and foremost within. But we must fight.

Seksual sins are not like other sins.

“All other sins a man commits are outside his body. But he who sins seksually sins against his body” (1 Cor 6:18).

And the body has a great memory.

So does the mind.

Let’s fight this. And not give into it so easily.

Worship. Pray. Read. Connect with God and His people.

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