To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

Sleeping with Another’s Spouse – Prov 6

It’s good advice.  Solomon continues to advice his son that sleeping with other women outside of your marriage is a disastrous thing to do.

So it is with the one who sleeps with another man’s wife; no one who touches her will go unpunished” (Prov 6:29).

His disgrace will never be removed” (Prov 6:33).

“It’s a slow fade, when you give yourself away,” says the song.  And that’s true.

Adultery begins with time, frequent “innocuous” touch, and talking of someone that is out of bounds.  “People don’t understand our relationship” is the excuse of the heart.  “We’re not sleeping together” until the line does get crossed.

“Guard your heart,” says Solomon.

Yes, this chapter is about other things as well.

– Avoid financially getting entangled and if you do, find a way out of it, for it is a trap.
– If you’re lazy, you get what you ask for.  Rather, get up and work and prepare for the days ahead.
– Malicious people will one day find calamity strike them
– Yes, the LORD hates things:

1) Arrogance
2) Lying lips
3) Shedding of innocent blood
4) A heart that plots wicked schemes
5) Feet eager to runt o evil
6) A Lying witness who gives false testimony
7) One who stirs up trouble among brothers

Kind of a disturbing list as that means a good part of the world is not right with God.



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