It was thought for years that a human being could not run under a 4 minute mile. The closest time was held by a Swedish man 4:01.4. Then along came a lanky medical student who believed. Lo and behold he did what the world thought impossible. Roger Bannister was clocked at 3:59.4 seconds. The running world was taken by storm.
That record held for only 46 days. Others began to realize it was possible. People began to believe and they ran with that new belief. As of this date the current record is 3:43.13 from a man from Morocco. That is almost 17 seconds beyond what was thought “impossible for humans.”
Sometimes it takes a great feat for others to believe. Perhaps it was that belief that giants could fall that helped the men of David take on their giants.
The Philistines, enemies of Israel, were known to have a family of people that were giants. Goliath is perhaps the more famous one. There were more giants than him and these other giants appear to be his relatives. There was Sippai (1 Chr 20:4), Lahmi who was Goliath’s brother (1 Chr 20:5), and there was another descendant of the giants who had 6 fingers on both hands and 6 toes on each foot.
It wasn’t David who killed these giants. And it wasn’t giants who killed these giants. It was ordinary soldiers who believed it could be done. They had witnessed it with David. And we don’t know, but perhaps that inspired them that it was possible for them too.
Sometimes what is impossible is defined by what we believe. Not what we try.