The Message of Repentance is Joyful? – Luke 1:14

He preached repentance. He minced no words. His message was strong, clear and something that prophets were scared to preach.

Yet they loved him. People came to him from all over. Not only that but it says in Luke that many rejoiced because this man was born (Luke 1:14).

How is that possible? A man preaches that people need to repent and they are glad?

In today’s times many a preacher is a coward. They don’t want to offend anyone and lose friends. I’ve been there. I often find myself in the coward department when it comes to one on one relationships. Blog posts? No problem. In public speaking/teaching? No problem. But one on one?

John did not back down. But also I think there was love and joy and concern in his heart. People were attracted to him not because he was harsh with them. Rather they flocked to the message because he told them the truth.

That’s what we all need more of in today’s world: truth in love. They go together. Love without truth is sentimentality. Truth without love is judgment.

Jesus walked in both. We too can walk in both.

In fact, we must.

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