At every corner it seemed like Paul faced death. They were caught in a hurricane, the experienced sailors tried to bail ship and abandon them, and now a poisonous snake bit him. They thought surely he would die, but Paul had a mission from Jesus – preach the gospel in Rome. And after he shook off the snake into the fire, nothing happened. He was fine.
Nothing deters the plans and purposes of God.
In the meantime, the mission of Paul to preach about Jesus, teach about the kingdom, and bring healing never stopped. Paul used the opportunity on the island to pray for the sick and see them healed. The unexpected detour was just another place for ministry.
When the kingdom is in you, it flows through you, even when you have not yet arrived at your destination.
Finally, Paul and the others continued on to their destination after procuring another ship. Along the way he met with believers and was encouraged by them. They eventually arrived to Rome.
During his time in Rome, justice was slow. Thankfully. It would take 2 years of trials for things to unfold. Which unfortunately would end in Paul being beheaded.
But the fruit of his 2 years was that he was able to preach the gospel to the Jews. Every Roman soldier that guarded him had to hear the gospel also. When the Jews rejected the gospel, he then preached to the Gentiles.
It was a dream for Paul fulfilled. He had always wanted to preach in Rome. Now now here he was. Yes, he was under Roman guard. And. yes, he was under trial. But Paul was able to preach “with all boldness and without hindrance” (Acts 28:31).
Fulfilling the mission God has for you may not look like we planned, but God accomplishes His purposes His ways.