For the Christians out there who have read the text, this seems crazy. But for those of another faith, it is used regularly as a “gotcha” kind of thing. As if somehow that a person in the Bible is pointed out as a sinner, then the Bible does not have moral high ground.
Let me show you why from multiple angles that even if this was true, it does not work. Which I think if you take the time to read the Biblical text, you will see for yourself just how impossible it is to believe this wild accusation based on the text.
So let’s look at it from 3 angles:
1) The text
2) The context
3) The greater context
On every level, this argument is one of the weakest. Let me show you.
1) Let’s look at the actual text.
Ok, first of all we see that Abraham is simply being told that his brother has children. And also a grandchild as well.
Cell phones, internet and other forms of media did not exist in the day. So this was not a birth announcement of newborns. If it was, both the children and the grandchild would have to have all been born at the same time. Knowledge of their existence does not mean time of birth.
The second problem is that there are no time indicators to suggest that Sarah died immediately afterwards. We do not see that this happened right after. If time indicator words are necessary, then probably Abraham and Moses and Jesus were likely all at the flood or the creation of the earth because time indicator words are few. It does not make sense to add time indicator words when they are not there.
2) The Context is that of a Woman
First, the text calls her a woman MULTIPLE times (v. 5,8,11,14,16,28,39,43,57)
Second, Rebekkah does things only a full grown woman can do
- She carries heavy jars on her shoulder that are full of water.
- She waters 10 camels until they drank everything which is 2000 liters/300-500 gallons of water. That is an incredibly difficult amount for a woman with a heavy jar on her shoulder, and impossible for a 3 year old. The sheer difficulty of this level of service is what would be what proved for the servant to be the right woman.
- She problems solves, speaks with initiative, and walks in significantly full sentences which is not the behavior of a 3 year old
- She would go on to make decisions about her marriage and agree to it
This isn’t all the text, but here is a small sample of it so you can see that this is not the behavior of a 3 year old.

Then there’s also the issue, if we assume according to this notion that Rebekah is 3 years old, then it means she becomes pregnant WITH TWINS at 3 years old and delivers Jacob and Esau with no problem. At 3 years old.
So do you see how ridiculous this is? It is embarrassing that people actually believe this.
BUT, let’s say that it is true. Would that change anything?
3) The greater context of the Bible.
It would not change a thing. Why? Because the Bible is all about the fact that ALL men and women are sinners. There are none righteous. Not even one.

This is why every single person in the Bible is FULL of sin. Looking for sinners? In the Bible? Let me help you:
- Noah got drunk
- Abraham was a liar
- Moses was a murderer
- David was a murderer and an adulterer
- and everyone else in the Bible was a horrible sinner
This is the message of Jesus. There are NONE righteous. Therefore we need a Messiah. One who is the adha/sacrifice who died for our sins.
He did what we cannot do. Because our good works cannot save us. Only Jesus can.