What Jesus Didn’t Mean – Luke 6:27-36

Jesus said to love our enemies. He said to give to everyone that asks. He said do to others what we would want them to do for us.

1) Love your Enemies.

Yes, he wants us to love our enemies. To do good to them. To not retaliate but bless them and be merciful to them. They are probably enemies for a reason.

But it does not mean that you should let someone walk all over you in an abusive way and not protect yourself. Boundaries are good.

When Jesus was harassed, sometimes he just walked through the crowds. Other times he spoke to them and confronted them. Other times like before Pilate he said nothing not because he was trying to manipulate with silence, but because you can’t add fuel to abuse.

Jesus stood up for himself. He did not allow himself to be abused or trampled upon until it was time at the cross. But nor did he retaliate. He did not harm others or insult them, unless his words were to redeem and awaken their conscience.

2) Give to everyone who asks

So if someone comes up and asks for my house and all my money I can’t refuse? No, he wasn’t saying that. He was saying not to judge someone in need. Don’t hold tight to your possessions. If someone does not return something, don’t lose your mind with fury.

3) Do to others

Most people miss this and use the silver rule. The Silver Rule is ‘Don’t do to others what you don’t want them to do to you.’ That rule was in Jesus’ time.

But Jesus redefined it. “Dooooo to others what you would want them to do for you.” Take action. Do things. Don’t be passive. Do what is right and good. It’s not just nice thoughts. It’s action.

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