Political Leaders
Life situations really play on impact on how we read and understand Scripture. In the past I’ve really been focused on the mouth an the words we use that Proverbs talks about. But this time my eyes were seeing something different. I was seeing justice and righteousness and the responsibilities of political leaders.
There’s a lot in there about this. When leaders lead with justice and righteousness, the people are blessed. But when they don’t, the people suffer greatly. One thing leaders forget though. is that one day they will be held accountable before God. Thus Psalm 2.
I also saw a lot more about mockers, primarily as I’ve had the unfortunate experience of having to deal with one in recent years. It was a nightmare. And it’s a sin we don’t ever talk about. But mockery is an issue. Just look at any opposing news sites and you will see mockery abound in the comments. Or worse yet, follow any late night television show.
We don’t talk about fools much anymore. It’s not political correct. We also think fools are those who are not smart. Rather proverbs paints fools as people who have no wisdom. They are lazy, they are careless with their words, and they are easily angered. I think there are a lot more fools out there than we are willing to admit.
Honestly it was a challenge going through Proverbs. I think I was struggling with the sheer length of Psalms. And then to hit proverbs where every verse is a message. Hopefully I will have a better run at it next time through, or maybe go through slowly when I’m not on a mission to blog the whole Bible in ideally less than 4 years. This is year 3.