Actually, you do have a Choice…

Actually, you do have a Choice…

I saw a facebook comment the other day talking about the controversial thing you get in the arm that many took the last few years to avoid the mysterious outbreak. It was being debated in the comments. Her response was, “For those of us in healthcare, we...
He was Righteous Among the People – Gen 7

He was Righteous Among the People – Gen 7

It was time. Noah had spent a century building an ark in faith. I’m sure he was mocked and considered the local looney. And I’m sure he oftentimes doubted if he himself was doing the right thing. But he did. And now it was time. The Lord brought the...
Prepare Thyself

Prepare Thyself

I shouldn’t have watched it but I did. It was a grotesque injustice of what is right and wrong and the man was in prison for it. He should not have been. But this happening all the more often. We are seeing it more and more. People going to prison for no good...
The Most Painful Verses in the Whole Bible – Gen 6

The Most Painful Verses in the Whole Bible – Gen 6

Maybe it’s getting older. Or maybe it’s because every system in the world is collapsing. But it feels like the times are getting more and more evil. It’s just relentless and it grows. That was the times of Noah. And God said the most painful, heart-wrenching thing of...
Hello Morocco!  I see you!

Hello Morocco! I see you!

UPDATE: So sorry Morocco to hear of the earthquake of the thousands deceased. I pray that those alive will be found, and that you will discover the comfort of the Lord in this terrible time. All of a sudden I see an increase in hits coming from Morocco and I love it!...

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