And so 2022 ends

I’m part of a walking app where you can walk trails virtually in the world, and they have asked what were the highlights for you of 2022? Frankly, I’ve had to think and think hard. Really hard. But there are some.

  1. The first and foremost being the reversal of Roe vs. Wade. Who would have ever thought that this was possible in our lifetimes? No one saw it coming. And hopefully through it countless lives are being saved. There’s still much work to do but that in itself was so huge.

2. It’s been such a hard decade personally and the fire just won’t stop. There are reasons for that and it will end at some point, but it didn’t end this year. It’s more that I will need to rebuild from scratch when this season ends and that’s not all a bad thing. I say that to say that this year I’ve had some amazing support from friends. Literally gifts, monetary donations, phone calls, prayer time and more. I don’t know where I would be without these. They have carried me.

3. I left my job in April with no means of finances to continue forward. But there was just so many high stress things at my job that I felt led to leave. And here it is at the end of the year. God has sustained me supernaturally and financially. I owe on car repair bills but that’s mainly it.

4. I wrote a book this year. Well, it’s 80% done. I hope to publish it in 2023. It’s one I wrote after studying Mormonism for a couple of years. I realized that Mormon seekers and ex-Mormons have a lot of distortions of what the Scripture say in context. This book will be for them. Current working title is The Bible for Mormons. I’m trying to decide whether to go through a publisher or self-publish. Publishers have more reach but with self-publishing I can offer on occasion the book for free every 3 months on Amazon, the digital version anyway. It would be great for outreach to be able to run ads in Utah for a few copy of the book. We’ll see.

6. I’ve reconnected with a few people from former days. One of them has a heart for prayer and I had been asking God for someone to join with in prayer. And so that’s what we’ve done. Several times a week actually we seek the LORD over the phone. That’s been a blessing and I’ve been surprised by the fruit of peace of those prayer times.

So this year I think my one hope will be to get to know him in a different and new way. I need that.

I hope for you that you had a good year. Sometimes they are good and sometimes they are hard. Thankfully there is a variety of such. And thankfully we are not all in the same boat.

O Lord, increase our hope in you. May 2023 be a year where we get to know you more.

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