To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

Bye 2023. Hello 2024

This year was a blur that I hardly remember. I have scant recollections of publishing some things, but not necessarily what I was hoping to publish. Daniel was my big study over the summer and I learned a lot. August I got a new job, October was a month of COVID and ending that new job and starting one that would be a bit better, November we put my mother on hospice and December trying to pack as when she passes away I will need to move immediately.

A lot has happened in the world this year. I won’t repeat them as many things were hard and surprising.

But let’s hope for good things in 2024. Not necessarily in the world but in the Lord. His kingdom is not shaken and it remains the same. He is the same God in good times and bad. And no matter what happens, those in Christ will be with Him forever. So live or die, He is with us. And soon, we will be with Him.

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