Marriage in Heaven? Confronting Sadducees and Mormons – Luke 20:27-39

Jesus plainly answered them here. And it completely opposed their beliefs.

To the Sadducees, they didn’t believe in the resurrection. They came to this conclusion through a myriad of mental gymnastics and questions, a common way people miss the point.

But Jesus speaks to them plainly.

1) There is no marriage in heaven.

2) There is a resurrection. This is seen even by Moses.

Jesus completely challenges their false beliefs and corrects them from Scripture. Of course the other religious leaders were thrilled to see another sect put down. But regardless, he answered.

And then there’s Mormons.

Mormonism came around in the 1850’s and taught two things that are a stumbling block. They teach

1) There is marriage in heaven and it is the highest attainment.

2) Worthiness is a must to enter into heaven.

Jesus says plainly there is no marriage in heaven. This flies in the face of Mormonism teaching that the Bible and the Book of Mormon teach the same things.

They don’t.

Jesus said it as clear as clear can be. The only Mormon response is that this then must mean that the Bible has been corrupted because it doesn’t agree with what we believe. It’s a pick and choose kind of thing where if it agrees with us and we like it, it must be Scripture. If it does not agree with us and/or we don’t like it, it isn’t Scripture.

But then there’s that second part that is a terrible stumbling block and that is the concept of worthiness. Of course Latter Day Saints jump on this here when Jesus talks about worthiness.

But those who are considered worthy of taking part in the age to come and in the resurrection from the dead

“It’s right there!” they say. “You must be worthy enough to enter into the kingdom of God!”

But Biblical worthiness and Mormon worthiness are utterly, completely and totally opposites of one another.

Mormon worthiness is about works, doing your callings, following ordinances, enduring worthiness interviews and more. It’s impossible if you’re honest.

Biblical worthiness is that NO ONE IS WORTHY. Only Jesus Christ is worthy. And he gives us his worthiness when we trust him for our righteousness.

Worthiness, dear Latter Day Saints, is ONLY found in Jesus. You are not worthy. I am not worthy. And we never will be worthy outside of Christ.

Only Jesus qualifies us.

Only Jesus.

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