Nothing I Lack – Ps 23

“Stop trying to prove a lie is true!” she said sitting on the other side of the narrow but long room, just her and I.  She was a woman in her 80’s and I was pouring out my heart to her of some of the hurts in my life.  I just didn’t see how God was working and had given her all the reasons I felt the way I did.

“Stop trying to prove a lie is true!”

It caught me off guard and struck me, and stuck to me.  It wasn’t an outright “lie” but a “lie” in the sense that I was believing things about God that weren’t true according to his Word.  The “why” of my heartache had created a lie.

And that’s often what happens.  When we feel like God isn’t doing something, like we don’t have enough, like we’re not getting the miracles, or that he isn’t answering our prayers, we thing bad things.  Things like, “God doesn’t love me like he love other people,” “I believe he will do miracles for others but not for me,” “I’m God’s leftover,” etc…  These are lies.  But we want to “prove” them with our repeated life experiences.

The problem is that when we are hurt we put on our sour green glasses.  Green oftentimes with subtle envy of what Goes in others but doesn’t seem to be doing in us.

The LORD is my shepherd, there is nothing I lack” (Ps 23:1).

Sometimes when we feel like there is lack, we have to believe the truth of his Word and not our repeated experiences.  We have to believe that the LORD is our shepherd also, that he cares for our soul, and that he really does love us.  But oftentimes that love looks different than it looks like with others, even other Christians.

The LORD is my shepherd, there is nothing I lack” (Ps 23:1).

The Scripture say “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Rom 8:31).  But some of us have to repent of trying to prove a lie is true, believe the truth, and truly believe first and foremost that “God is for us.”

The LORD is my shepherd, there is nothing I lack” (Ps 23:1).

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