To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

God in a World Without Rule of Law

I’ve been seeing several comments lately in YT videos that say something like, “They can’t do this!  It’s against the law!”  And I wanted to reply back, “But the law no longer is valued’s now up to your your political agenda how that law is applied.”  It’s true that there is some semblance of law and I’m grateful for that.  But right now laws are being cast aside left and right at an astonishing rate.

I know these things aren’t shown to the world.  Because I watch the world’s news too and am astonished at what is left out and what is spoken about.

So I saw those comments last night, and as I woke up praying, I woke up thinking on the holiness and righteousness of God.  His laws do not change with a political agenda.  If you break them, there are consequences.  If you keep them, it’s for your good and for blessing in your life.

His laws actually are beautiful.  They are meant to serve and protect the people.  He knows mankind, and he knows how they operate.  His laws are in place for our good.  I see this more and more as the years go by.

I am thankful this morning because of the laws.  Thankful that His ways do not change like the shifting shadows.  That man cannot sway Him. That His ways are secure from beginning to end.   He rules with justice.  He rules by what is right.

He is justice.  He is righteousness.  He is holiness.  He is love.

In a world where such things keep on shifting, He is a good place to stand.



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