To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

You are Gods … ???? – Ps 82

There are certain belief systems that actually believe we will become a god one day.  Psalm 82:4 is a key verse for them.

I say, “You are gods” (Ps 82:6).

There it is.  Right there.  You.  Are.  Gods.

But is that what it really says?  Let’s actually look at the context:

“I say, “You are gods; you are all sons of the Most High.  However, you will die like men and fall like any other ruler” (Ps 82:6).

Notice the context.  These gods “die” and “fall like any other ruler.”  Ruler.

Clearly here he is indicating that these are rulers who think they are “gods,” yet the psalmist says they will die like any other man.  It was a clear indictment against the leaders of this world who thought they were powerful, but ruled unjustly and yet the psalmist knows that they will one day have to face God Almighty as they are nothing but mere men.


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