To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

Choices the Leader David Made – Ps 101

If there’s any psalm that encapsulates David’s life and choices as leader and king of Israel, this would be it.

His life was one of worship, singing praise to the LORD for both His faithful love and His justice.

He announces his commitment to integrity, that he would set before his eyes no worthless thing, and that he would not practice transgression or evil.

Toleration is not his mantra but rather that he would have no toleration for those who were slanderers or who were arrogant.  It would be the faithful of the land that would keep his company.

So much so that anyone who practiced deceit or who lied would not be allowed in his palace.  Only the righteous would be the company he would keep.

Perhaps it was for this that David has such favor before God.  He was considered a man after God’s own heart and that is exactly how he lived.  Did he blow it at times?  Oh yes.  Badly.  Very badly.  And more than a few times.  But his commitment to integrity, to banish evil from his own life, and to surround himself with righteous counsel would be instrumental in his staying the course.

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