God, He is Almighty Creator, so We Praise Him Joyfully – Ps 104

“My soul, praise Yahweh!”  (Ps 104:1)


Because He is the one who has laid out the heavens and earth, yet he himself clothes himself with light and makes the clouds as His chariot.

Because He has esetablished the earth and it will not be shaken.

Because He is the one who set the boundaries to the waters of the earth that will not be crossed.

Because He causes the grass to grow for the livestock and provides crops for man to cultivate.

Because He gives wine to make men’s hearts glad and food that sustains him.

Because He gave the moon to mark festivals to celebrate and let the sun know when to set.

He creates man which is a creature of the day as well as animals that creatures night and day.

Because when He blessed it is with good things and when life is gone they return to the dust.

Therefore let us sing to the Lord all our lives.  Let us praise God while we live.  Let our meditations be something that makes His heart smile.

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