To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

A Great War in Heaven and on Earth – Dan 10

There was going to be a terrible, awful war over Israel. It would be both in the world of the physical with much death and destruction, but also it was a war in the heavens. So much so that when Daniel prayed, it took 3 weeks for the angel to battle through the thick of it to reach Daniel with the response to his prayer.

We will see a highly detailed picture of that war in Dan 11. There are literally over 130 prophecies of that war that were fulfilled. But for now, Dan 10 is the prelude. It is the spiritual battle. Which is interesting considering the events of ch 10 were hundreds of years yet to come.

The truth is there has always been great battle over Israel and the saints of God. And while there are earthly battles that rage, we often forget tht there is a spiritual battle raging as well.

I think it’s of value to remember this even now. We see the world collapsing. It’s quite bad. Yet how often do we remember it’s a spiritual battle and fight accordingly?

Daniel had questions. And he did not get answers right away. Yet he persisted. The Scriptures have stories of great women and men of faith who persisted in prayer (Anna in the temple).

“No one supports me against them except Michael, your prince.”


Is the angel whining? Why is he alone?

This really is a mystery. I don’t think any of us can truly know, we just have to have guesses.

Some would say that it is not enough prayer from the saints.

Others guess that he is talking about no support of earthly kingdoms.

Then there are others that guess that the other angels are distracted in other places

I don’t know and neither does anyone else.

There is much to the spiritual battle we truly don’t understand. But what’s most important is to acknowledge that it exists. And to pray accordingly (Eph 6).



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