A Prayer for Our Troubled Times – 2 Kings 6:14

I did it again.  I hate it when I do this.  I had lunch with a friend and could only talk about the terrible things I saw about to unfold in the near future–food shortages, significant civil unrest, joblessness, economic crashes, etc…  I don’t want to focus on those things but that is what I think about a lot and what I see happening.

These are trying and terrible ahead for sure.  Everyone I believe can see it.  We sit in the precipice not only as a nation as a world.  The tinder box is anxious to explode and it is going to be messy in these coming years.

As I lay my head down on the bed tonight, I wondered what good I can see in the coming months.  Honestly if I think about the coming revival that is is expected and other moves of God, these are of my mind and will, and not of my heart.  My heart is in the place of thinking of all that is hard ahead.  Especially come January when a leader is going to be finalized.

And then I thought of the Scripture with Elisha.  When his servant was completely overwhelmed because they were utterly surrounded by the enemy, Elisha told him this:

“”Don’t be afraid, for those who are with us outnumber those who are with them.”

Then Elisha prayed, LORD, please open his eyes and let him see“”  (2 Kings 6:14).

The servant then saw a great army that was in the heavenlies.  And soon it unfolded on earth and their enemies were defeated.

That’s the prayer for today.  Lord, open our eyes that we can see you.  It’s easy to look and see terrible times ahead.  It’s easy to listen to news and get agitated.  It’s easy to have to fight the latest virus restrictions and be exhausted by them.

But Lord, open our eyes to see in the heavenlies.  That things aren’t all falling apart, but that your plans and purposes are falling into place even when we don’t understand.  It may look like a jumbled mess, but there is a bigger picture unfolding.

Open our eyes, Lord.

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