Day 1: It began not of my planning

I’ve had continuing education classes all weekend and work during the week and so I wasn’t planning on starting.   But the Lord had other plans.  Two people were prayed for today.   It was a casual quick prayer as they were moving...

Jesus did NOT say to pray for the sick

That’s right.  Jesus did NOT say to pray for the sick.  He said to “heal the sick”  (Mt 10:8).  Huge difference.  Healing means praying, but this praying is bold believing.I’m going to go for it.  Forty days. ...
40 Days:  Books vs. The Bible

40 Days: Books vs. The Bible

Today is the last day where I took 40 days of not reading any books other than the Bible (with the exception of an occasional Oswald Chambers short devotional).    I did it out of a recognition that while I read Scripture daily, I read a lot of other books.  Mostly...

What if…?

Recently I read the book called “7:  An experimental mutiny against excess” written by Jen Hatmaker.  A good idea of a book.  For 7 months she tackles an excess and works with 7 things.  For example, dealing with excess food, she...
The sign of maturity…

The sign of maturity…

“JOY is a sign of maturity and of good theology. After all joy is a fruit of having God’s spirit live inside of us!” –Jeremy Bardwell

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