Jesus Walked!  John 6:16-24

Jesus Walked! John 6:16-24

People, Jesus walked on water!!  Not that this is any surprise to anyone.  But we generally we are more focused on Peter walking on water because it preaches better.  But if you look at Jesus, or in fact all the miracles of Scripture, supernatural power was always...
Holy and Blessed–Gen 2:2-3

Holy and Blessed–Gen 2:2-3

When something is deemed “holy” it means it is ‘set apart for something special and therefore treated differently.’  ‘Holy matrimony’ means that two people come together and others are not allowed into the picture of intimacy. ...
Every Woman’s Dream Man–Mt 1:18-25

Every Woman’s Dream Man–Mt 1:18-25

He’s truly an unsung hero.  I’ve also thought if there ever was a husband in Scripture that a man could model it would be him.  You’ve heard of him.  He’s famous because his wife came to him pregnant out of wedlock.  The love of his life.  The...
Justice and discouragement–Is 53:4

Justice and discouragement–Is 53:4

This verse has always just blown my mind.  I have written on it before but now I encounter it again. “In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be discouraged.” The context is the “Servant of the Lord.”  Which we know...
Helpless, but not.–John 5:1-15

Helpless, but not.–John 5:1-15

Between a rock and hard place.  Or feeling smashed between impossible and impossible.  This is how I’ve felt lately.  Desperate, angry, frustrated and unable to feel like I can change the situation. Perhaps that is what the man at Bethesda felt.  Supposedly the...

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