‘Tis election season and the hate is spewing. It’s embarrassing, really. That politicians are elected because they are acting worse than children as they attack each other. Even more embarrassing is the behavior of Christians. Since when is it Ok to...
When I was in Brazil if they want to honor you with a greeting, they come and sniff you at the neck. But the best is to sniff and smell a good cologne or perfume. It’s always a surprise in its sublety. Here the Lover takes the time to put the...
Priest spoke to God on behalf of men. Prophets spoke to men on behalf of God. Priests rarely were killed. People liked them. Prophets were killed all the time. People loved/hated them. Jeremiah was a priest. Not even a high priest, but just a priest. But one day...
When the young boy was called by God to topple nations and confront the country’s highest leaders, his response was, “Oh no Lord! I don’t know how to speak; I’m only a child.” But the Lord told him to stop saying, “I don’t...
“for your love is more delightful than wine.” A person who drinks does so because of the way it makes them feel. We love to feel good and a glass of wine can help someone do that. Although the feeling fades when the wine does. Love can also make someone...