I was watching Food, Inc the other day it was profoundly disturbing about how our food is produced. So. Many. Chemicals. So. Little. Integrity. One of the more dangerous problems is E. Coli contaminating the meat. To remedy the problem, it only takes 4 days...
Why do you turn a light on? To drive out darkness so that you can see. If someone switched on a light bulb and then covered it completely with something so that no light was visible, why would they turn on the light in the first place? Perhaps to make them feel...
Jesus on the heels of the beatitudes emphasizes a righteous perspective on persecution. Then he speaks about salt and light, which I have come to believe is a continuation of his teaching on handling the temptations association with persecution. Salt has a strong...
“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness.” [Italics mine]This is an interesting note. Instead of stopping with “blessed are the persecuted,” there is the additive “because of righteousness.” I...
‘Blessed are those,’ ‘blessed are they,’ ‘blessed are the ones’… This is how 8/9 beatitudes begin. But on the tenth one he switches to a different pronoun. “Blessed are you…” He then begins to expand one...