"The same sun that melts the wax also hardens the clay." This is the phrase I kept thinking of...
The Stubbornness of Unbelief – Ex 9:20:21
Last night I watched the debate between Christopher Hitchens (anti-theist) and Frank Turek...
They Will Know My Name – Exodus 5; Romans 9
It's really a disconcerting picture and I understand why in Romans 9 they ask, "Then why does God...
The Red Sea and the Sea of Angry Faces – Exodus 14
. When trapped between the Red Sea and an army trying to kill us, it could feel like we are in...
Killing Two Babies with One Stone – Exodus 1
Every action we take in life has purpose. If I get up and walk it's because I have a purpose. If...
Abortion, Gender Selection and Genocide – A Battle As Old as The Earth: Exodus 1
The other night I was watching a YouTube series on adoptees who reconnected with their birth...
The Sacred Wander – Ex 13:17-14:4
More than 80 years ago there was a group of believers that realized that they needed to escape...
Remembering His Mighty Hand – Ex 13
It was terrible times when the showdown between God and the gods happened. The land was utterly...
Kindness in the Desert- Ex 13:17-22
For a people not prepared, God led the Israelites through the long way in the desert so they did...
But Worship – Ex 5-12
I've been between churches lately. My former pastor left and I had a clear word of the Lord it...