It was a touchy spot for the LORD. These were not good memories in their relationship together...
The Absurdity of Psalm 23
Everyone loves this psalm because it appeals to our happy thoughts. But how is this psalm...
You are Gods? Psalm 82:6
For the LDS and for others, Psalm 82:6 seems like a slam dunk as it says, "you are gods." But does...
What We Learn from the Psalms
It should have only taken 5 months. It took 14 months to actually get through the Psalms! In...
Just…Hallelujah! – Ps 150
Hallelujah = Praise to the LORD! Praise Him wherever you are. Praise in the sanctuary. Praise...
It was Going so Good and Then … Praise to Vengeance? – Ps 149
Psalm 149 is a psalm of exuberant praise, letting all the people of God praise him with music,...
His Majesty Covers Heaven and Earth, Therefore… Ps 148
Let everything praise the LORD! All...
He is not Impressed by Military Strength…The LORD values those who… – Ps 147
Each nation thinks their own nation's military might is one of the best, if not the best in the...
He Frustrates the Ways of the Wicked – Ps 146
Man's help is useless, the psalmist says. He has all the best and intentions but when he dies,...
How Could David Mean This? – Ps 145
The psalm starts off so well. It's a well-written acrostic meaning that every line begins with a...