If you are Israel and you read this psalm, you may stand a little taller and stronger. You are in...
Childless Mother to Joyful Households – Ps 113
This psalm is as famous one and has proven comfort for many a childless woman. "He gives the...
The Righteous are Established, the Wicked are Jealous – Ps 112
If you were to name one characteristic that described some of the most righteous, what would it...
The Works of His Hands are Truth and Justice – Ps 111
I don't know about you but in these days and times I have a deeper appreciation for truth and...
He will drink from the brook by the road ??- Ps 110:7
What does "He will drink from the brook by the road" (Ps 110:7) mean? It's referring to God...the...
From the Womb of the Dawn – Ps 110
What a beautiful word picture! "The womb of the Dawn" (Ps 110:3). Every day like a new birth...
He Did Not Think to Show Kindness – Ps 109
It’s not the kind of psalm most would think is in the Bible. Let’s face it, David is openly...
My Heart is Confident – Ps 108
Isn’t that a bold statement! “My heart is confident” (Ps 108:1) as he pleads for deliverance....
Let the Wise Pay Attention to This – Ps 107
I didn't say that, this psalm says this at the end: "Let whoever is wise pay attention to these...
They Didn’t Wait – Ps 106
But they soon forgot what he had done and did not wait for his plan to unfold. v. 13 That's...