Celebration so loud the neighboring cities heard – Neh 12

If there is one thing that has surprised me reading and studying the Old Testament chapter by chapter, it is just how much celebration, praise, worship and thanksgiving were part of the faith of the Israelites.  It wasn’t even optional but was prescribed by David and others.

We sometimes think of the Old Testament as “old” and “serious” and “not so fun,” but in reality while there were seasons of discipline and judgment, there were also seasons of great joy.  This was one of them.

The wall was complete and it was now time to dedicate it to the Lord and his purposes, giving things for his help in completing it.   So they gathered together the singers, the musicians and more and set out on “thanksgiving processions.”  One to the left and one to the right.

They walked the walls and sang their hearts out, celebrating so loudly that their rejoicing was heard far away (Neh 12:43).  Everyone was involved–men, women and children.

Furthermore in their joy the people gave their tithes, their firstfruits, their contributions and they did so joyfully.  This helped the singers and gatekeepers and others at the temple to be amply supplied so they could serve.

Judah was grateful to the priests and Levites who were serving” (Neh 12:44).

I think it’s important that we remember that the Christian life is about thanksgiving, singing and celebration.  For some parts of the world this is obvious.  For those of us in the West this is forgotten.  For years such celebration would be deemed “disrespectful in the church.”  Especially if there were instruments or drums.  Although times are changing.

I have been pondering recently what corporate celebrations does the church have that gathers everyone together for singing, dancing and celebration?  What special holidays?

The list is almost empty.

Perhaps we need to start changing that.

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