Don’t Despise the Day of Small Beginnings – Zech 4

It seemed like an impossible project – rebuild the temple.

The Israelites had been captives in Babylon (Iraq) for 70 years. They had come back to their land blessed by the Persian king Cyrus who had conquered the Babylonians. And they were now working on rebuilding the temple.

It took two years for the foundation of the temple to be laid but it was done though with extraordinary opposition. So much so that after the two years, the Persians stopped funding the rebuilding.

The work stopped and for 17 years nothing much happened. Until God spoke to Zechariah and Ezra telling the governor Zerubbabel to get back at it. And here was a word of encouragement.

The LORD showed Zechariah a vision of a golden lamp stand with two olive trees on the left and right. The lamp stand was the pinnacle symbol of the temple. And the olive trees represented the oil that would fuel the lamp.

The LORD said Zerubbabel would indeed finish the building of the temple. He would even put the capstone into place. But how?

Not with the Persians. Not with brute strength. But by the power of the LORD.

Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord.”

The LORD then tells them not to despise the day of small beginnings. Just move forward.

Then Zechariah asks what are two of the olive branches that point towards two of the pipes on the lamp stand. The LORD says these are the two anointed to serve the LORD.

Undoubtedly these were the two leaders of the time—the governor Zerubabbel and the high priest Joshua. Together they were to finish the work and restore worship of the LORD among Israel.

So many good things here:

  1. Don’t despise the day of small beginnings in the work God gives you to do.
  2. Your ability to fulfill what God has commanded does not depend on yourself but on the power of the Spirit working through you.
  3. Worship is central to the heart of God. We never engage in enough worship.

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