Encouraged Today

When I look at the list of countries that haven’t had a visitor this year in 2023, it’s in the scope of things small. Here’s who are missing this year in visitors.

North Korea
W. Sahara
Equatorial Guinea

To me that blows me away! And who knows, there is still time left in the year left for visitors from some of these places.

This started out memorizing the Bible and the meditations. Then a few years ago I decided I wanted to blog through the Bible in 3 years (I think I’m at 4 years now maybe and just at Matthew)? It was more of a desire to just put in writing what I was meditating on. It didn’t matter whether people read it or not. I knew a couple of friends who did and that’s it.

Of course along the way I discovered what censorship was. All of a sudden in the course of 1 day any visitors just abruptly stopped. That was fine as my mission was in my relationship with the Lord. It didn’t affect anything.

For a long time I didn’t even have a visitor map. That broke too. But then earlier this year I one day thought to try to add it again. And I was quite surprised that people still visit this site. I’m just so very encouraged by that. And I hope that it helps someone out there even as I’m on my own journey with the Lord.

So thank you. I’m encouraged by those who stop by. I even have a few special hits that just brighten my day for various reasons. Like I love it when anyone visits from Pakistan. Then on the one occasion I actually had a visitor from Chad! I have prayed for that nation so it touches me. Then there’s you up in Canada. I love the canucks and I don’t now why but I love this person from out in the middle of nowhere hitting.

There’s more of you that make my heart excited when I see a red dot from your location. Some because I’ve visited where you are from, and others because I have a special connection with a person or place from your location. Or maybe it’s because I’ve prayed for your nation. Regardless, thank you. Thank you for visiting. It’s very special to me.

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