To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

Ethiopia, the Powerful – Is 18

When many of us who grew up in the 80’s think of Ethiopia, we only think famine and the song, “We are the world, we are the children….”  But Ethiopia is so much more.  It’s a land where they are considered some of the most beautiful of all of Africa.  Their history has been historic, both good and bad.  Back in 600’s and 700’s BC, they were a mighty world power.  They were wealthy and world leader, including areas of Sudan and Somalia.  Ethiopia was known.

Is 18 is a prophecy for this Ethiopian kingdom otherwise known as Cush.  It was the land of “buzzing wings” with its many whirring insects on the Nile river.

The prophecy is honestly a little vague and a little challenging to understand.   But in v. 1-2 it seems like the Ethiopians are urging the people of Israel to stand up against the terrible Assyrians, and to send messengers back to them.  It seems like they are suggesting an alliance and a backing for Israel to go against Assyria.

Basically the Lord says he can do this alone.  He doesn’t need to have Israel aligned with Assyria.  He can “prune” Assyria all by himself.

Then there’s the glorious ending:

At that time gifts will be brought to the Lord Almighty

from a people tall and smooth-skinned,
    from a people feared far and wide,
an aggressive nation of strange speech,
    whose land is divided by rivers—

the gifts will be brought to Mount Zion, the place of the Name of the Lord Almighty.

There would come a time when Ethiopia would bring gifts to the LORD in Israel.  This is a reversal of thinking in which mighty Ethiopia invited Israel to send messengers to them, it is saying that now the Ethiopians would sojourn to Israel to worship the Lord.

This was more than likely fulfilled in Isaiah’s time.  But it was also was certainly being fulfilled in the first century as in Acts 8:26-40  the Ethiopian Eunuch comes to worship the Lord in Jerusalem.   Philip explained the way of the Lord more clearly to him.

And even today there is a strong Ethiopian church.  I have a co-worker who has served there and said it has an evangelistic heart to the nations, the new “Brazil” in the sense of desire for global evangelism.

Right now Ethiopia is once again embroiled in civil war and distress.   As in every nation where corruption gains the upper hand, civil unrest has marked this beautiful land and people.  May the Lord write a different story for this extraordinary land.  And may the corruption be rooted out so that this Scripture would be fulfilled in fullness of heart and practice.

What We Learn in Isaiah

What We Learn in Isaiah

I'm just going to be honest here. Most people who blog through the Bible get stuck in the Psalms. But I kept pushing...

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