Gabon! Great to See You

What a surprise to see a visitor from Gabon. It just makes my heart smile. You are the “Green Lung of Africa” and I love that green density there.

Truth be told while I’ve been near your neck of the woods, I’ve never been in Gabon. And yet this is not what people think of when they think Gabon:

Such beauty. In your cities, in your country, in your people.

Like every place I see, I would like to visit!! Maybe one day that season will happen again where travel is more doable, now is just not that season.

So let’s talk faith. Gabon has a very rich history of the Christian faith and that’s wonderful to see. But with any place that has deep roots in the faith, sometimes that can turn religious or can maintain its vibrancy. I hope it holds its vibrancy as much as your country holds its beauty.

I don’t know what the LORD has in store for you, but you become the missionaries and movers that shape the world culture yet again for Christ. There are great riches in Africa and among its people. The world needs you!

So Lord, raise up the people of Gabon. Raise them up with great zeal and knowledge and love for you, and may that spread to the nations. Raise up people who will carry the faith into the bush and into the nations. Thank you for this beautiful country. Move among its people in powerful ways.


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