Hello Isaiah

I’ve been looking forward to Isaiah for a long time, mainly because I haven’t truly studied it.  In fact, way back half way through Psalms, it’s what kept me plowing forward when I felt in the bog of so many Psalms.

But now that I’m here, it’s daunting.  Not from a theological perspective, but because it’s heavy in many ways.  I’ve been lately reading through a WW2 series of books that I read many years ago and enjoyed.  But now it’s much harder to enjoy as so much of it is unfolding before my eyes.  I find myself not wanting to continue in the series for that reason (for now I am).

It’s the same with Isaiah.  Now that I’m here and things in the world are waaaaaaay different, the thought of more heaviness isn’t enticing.  But at the same time I want to understand more.

I honestly flew through Song of Solomon more quickly than I should have to get here.  And now all I want to do is run away to some happier texts like the gospels, or ones more easy for me to understand like Paul’s letters.  But here I am.  Let’s go.

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