The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light.  But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!

It’s right there in the context of money. Before and after. And it says everything.

If someone were to look at your bank account who knew nothing about you, what would they come to believe about you? What do you truly believe? Because that’s where you will invest your money. How do you live? How do you treat and interact with others?

How we see life matters. If our eyes are full for our self and creating safety, security and comfort mainly for us, it will show. Similar to how the Pharisees saw life. Money and position were to serve self indulgence.

But if we see money as a means of providing for ourselves in a good way, and serving His kingdom, I believe there is light with us and it will shine light.

I think of some notable actors like Keanu Reeves and Gary Sinase. You may love these guys or not, agree with them or not. But they have used their fame and their wealth to serve others the best they know how. Their success has been beyond themselves.

I also think of the nameless, faceless that no one knows. They are the poor. But sometimes they are the most rich. Rich in relationships. Rich in love. And even rich in financial generosity. I’ve seen that time and time again.

So we ask ourselves. When it comes to money, safety, security and comfort, are our eyes full of light? Or darkness? Full of generosity? Or full of cushioning our own lives.