For a very long time hymns and church music has been primarily reverential in nature–organs and/or pianos.  Guitars were slowly added and now a full on band.  For the new generation this is “normal.”  For the older generation it is often “irreverent and offensive.”  There’s actually a place for both.  There truly is a spirit of reverencing God and we’ve gotten quite far away from that.  At the same time when you read Scripture, the temple worship of the Old Testament was one of great celebration and jubilation.

Shout to the LORD, all the earth; be jubilant, shout for joy, and sing.  Sing to the LORD with the lyre, with the lyre and melodious song.  With trumpets and the blast of the ram’s horn shout triumphantly in the presence of the LORD, our King” (Ps 98:4-6).

Trumpets?  Blast of ram’s horn?  Shout for joy?  Jubilation?  Yes.

But it wasn’t just have to have fun at church, it was to celebrate that Almighty goodness and victory of God.  He was the cause of the celebration and jubilation, and so even in great joy there can be a reverencing.

So let’s find a way to celebrate God’s goodness.  That can be both individually and corporately.  Maybe you get alone and shout to the Lord with great joy of all the great things he has done, and dance when no one is looking.  Or maybe that happens at your church.

But let’s celebrate his goodness.  For He has done great things.