It’s Simple – Do What is Just and Right – Jer 22

It really wasn’t all that complicated. Just do what was good and right, righteous and just. Pay your workers what they deserve, protect the innocent, prosecute the guilty, stop the shedding of innocent blood and do what is right.

But when the heart becomes hard justification sets in. When this happens on a community basis a tribal mentality sets in that says ‘we are not perfect but not as bad as the others.’. And sin continues.

The LORD confronted the king. It’s not hard. Just do what is right. But if you continue I will hand you over to those you fear. Even though Jerusalem is the beauty of my heart she will become a wasteland. And you, O king, will die in captivity, drug out from the city disgraced.

But even in this the king said he would go his own way, doing what he alone thought what was right and best for him.

Just like a world that does what is best and right for them. “Living your truth.” Except each person living their own truth does not work in a world where there is truth that comes from God and that is known in our conscience.

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