Jesus, Not an Ordinary Man

Every decade and every season has trendy ungodly things going around.  Right now there’s a terrible one:  The belief that the trinity does not exist and Jesus is not God.

So I’ve been skimming the gospels with that thought in mind.  And I think to myself…

  • Can an ordinary man heal the deaf, mute, blind, paralytic etc… on a regular basis, healing everyone in the crowd?
  • Can an ordinary  man drive out demons on command without the power of God?
  • Can an ordinary man pray for people and see them raised from the dead?
  • Can an ordinary man say to someone, “Your sins are forgiven”
  • Can an ordinary man endure a cross with forgiveness on his lips?
  • Can an ordinary man be raised from the dead and be seen by hundreds?

Come, let us worship.

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