To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

Jesus Understands

Jesus understands what it is like to be tempted with a substance that could have numbed the pain.  They offered it to him while on the cross.  Mt 27:33-34

Jesus understands what it is like to hurt from the betrayal of a friend, someone you’ve invest in and trusted.  Judas betrayed him.  Luke 22:48

Jesus understands what it is like for friends to abandon you in your hour of need.  His disciples all ran away when he was arrested.  Mark 14:50

Jesus understands what it is like to be sexually violated because of his love for others.  He was crucified naked on the cross.  (Roman execution/Luke 23:49)

Jesus understands wrongful accusation.  He was innocent yet was killed for no good reason.  (Luke 23:4)

Jesus understands what it is to be alone in your darkest hour, wondering where is the Father in all this.  (Mark 15:34)

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