Leviathan on a Leash – Job 41

With Leviathan, can you “put him on leash for your girls?” (Job 41:5).

No one is ferocious enough to rouse Leviathan; who then can stand against Me?  Who confronted Me, that I should repay him?  Everything under heaven belongs to Me” (Job 41:11).

God is still talking to Job, asking him question after question.  He is asking Job to look at the powerful things he can see–the Leviathan, so that he can talk to him about the power Job cannot see–God.

If Job cannot even tame, capture or kill the Leviathan as he is so powerful, how much more powerful is God who made him?  Therefore if Job cannot comprehend the power of the Leviathan, does he really think he can comprehend the power of God?

The obvious answer is not at all.

It’s interesting that God does not go into a discourse of explaining “why” he did everything.  That’s powerful.  The reason we want to know “why” is that we ourselves want to be the judges.  If we know the why, then we feel justified to be that judge.

We have this in our culture now.  We want to see all the video footage of every incident so we can “judge” for ourselves if the “why” and “what happened” was justified.  Why this serves its purpose when we we dealing with man, it’s foolish to think if we just know the “why” that we can then sit in the judge’s seat to see if His actions and choices are justified.

I’m glad that God did not give Job the why.  Even though I want the “why” on a few key issues in my life that are very painful and I don’t understand.  But if we know the why, especially nowadays, we feel righteous to sit in the judge’s seat.  And there is no faith in God with that.

Sometimes growing up a parent will explain the “why” to their children that they disciplined them in such a way.  And sometimes a parent doesn’t, but the child grows up to learn.  I don’t remember a parent ever explaining to me why I had to brush my teeth every day, but as I grew and matured I learned it’s importance.

It’s not necessary that we know all the “why’s and ways of God” to trust him.  If we did, we wouldn’t even need trust.  Trust is in short supply in this world.  But if we truly believe God is good and righteous, then trust is essential.  As it is essential in all relationships.

We did not make God.  He made us.

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