To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

Prophesy Against the Prophets – Ezek 13

YouTube prophets have abounded in the last 5-6 years. They are saying everything under the sun. They often preface things with, “God told me…”. Their following is loyal and their profit builds up. In fact one popular YouTube prophet charges for baptisms. It’s sick.

The same thing was happening in the time of Ezekiel. Prophets abounded and many of these prophets told the people what they wanted to hear. They spoke from their own imaginations and not what God had told them. So God tells Ezekiel to prophesy against the prophets. And he does.

God says to them that he is against the prophets. And they will be cut off from Israel and not return because they prophesy lies. They are saying “peace” when God is going to bring judgment.

The people build and paint their homes with whitewash but when God’s judgment comes it will all be destroyed. It will all be gone, including the prophets who prophesied peace.

There’s another group of prophets that the LORD is against—the female prophets. Not because they are female but because they are deceiving the people with bracelets and veils for money. Yes, prophets made their living on donations but these women’s motive were money oriented. They were overtly lying. Taking from the people in order to save their own lives.

God says his hand is against them because these women did not call people to repent so they could be spared. Instead they endorsed lies to the demise of the people. God will save his people from her magic charm bracelets and they will all know He is the Lord.

It’s easier to compromise and be ok with people’s sin than it is to call people to repentance. This is exactly what happened in Israel. God’s shepherds were not calling the people to repentance but were endorsing their sin. The very sin that God was bringing judgment for upon Israel.

Isn’t the very same thing happening today? Instead of God’s leaders standing on truth with love, there is compromising of the gospel. Compromising truth. And saying sin is Ok when it is not.

What We Learn from Ezekiel

What We Learn from Ezekiel

Whew! Not going to lie. Ezekiel has been like slogging through thick mud. So much mystery, vision, judgment, then...

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