In the past Bibles were outlawed and people had to smuggle them in to places so that people could read the Scriptures. But a new strategy has already been enacted. And it’s about not just banning the Bible but about muddying the waters so that people will be confused as to the real truth.

Here’s the problem. I think it will be effective as many Christians have never read the Bible nor do they do so on a regular basis. If Christians are not strongly versed in the truth, how will the rest of the world be able to distinguish truth from lies?

Here are the Top 3 Rewrites of the Bible happening now.

  1. The Rewrite that is happening in the nation that begins with C-H. And then maybe has the “eye” sound in it. You can’t even write plainly about it anymore without getting censored. And believe me, this blog right here has been censored hard enough by the main search engine in the world.

    So it is being rewritten to have a communist bent. For example, take John 8. This is about the woman caught in adultery. They were trying to stone her and Jesus stoops down and writes in the dirt. Jesus responds, “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.”

    But the communist version?

    In this telling, the crowd leaves, but Jesus tells the woman, “I too am a sinner. But if the law could only be executed by men without blemish, the law would be dead.” Then Jesus proceeds to stone the woman.
  2. The World Economic Forum Rewrite using AI? – Here’s what one of the leader of the WEF said:

    Throughout history, religions dreamt about having a book written by a superhuman intelligence, by a non-human entity. In a few years, there might be religions that are actually correct. Just think about a religion whose holy book is written by an A.I.. That could be a reality in a few years.’

    Now this may seem like a statement. But if you have followed the WEF for more than like, 1.7 seconds, you will see that they “suggest” ideas but are already enacting them. Sort of like electric cars for the world over, lab processed meat, and author things that may seem audacious but are already in process.

    If you don’t think this is in process already, ok. But now that that it is on the table and it is only a matter of time.

    Harari goes on to say finally with AI we can religious that are “correct.” But based on who? Who is the arbiter of truth? It’s the man behind the AI.
  3. The Passion Translation – Yes. This is here. The Passion Translation is NOT a translation. It is a terrible one-manned paraphrase where he added to the Bible. This is the most dangerous of all as it sounds like the truth but is not. There have been many videos on this (the best are from Mike Winger). At times Brian Simmons insert 50% more than the actual text of his own writing. For example it says in Song of Solomon 2:13

    The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance.Arise, come, my darling;my beautiful one, come with me.” S.S. 2:13

    Here’s Brian Simmons rewrite:

    Can you not discern this new day of destiny breaking forth around you? The early signs of my purposes and plans are bursting forth. The budding vines of new life are now blooming everywhere. The fragrance of their flowers whispers, “There is change in the air.” Arise, my love, my beautiful companion, and run with me to the higher place. For now is the time to arise and come away with me.”

    It might be nice and sweet but it is a total rewrite of the Bible. And this becomes very dangerous. The Jews died to preserve the text. There’s a reason for that. We must be faithful to the text and this is not.

    Also consider that Brian Simmons wrote this with not a single linguist or translator. Instead, here are some of things he says about himself:

    From Mike Winger:

“WILD STUFF Brian Simmons, author of The Passion Translation of the Bible, has claimed… (I have video footage of all of these claims)

  1. He went to heaven, grabbed two books from “the library of heaven” and brought them back to earth.
  2. Billy Graham visited him in a dream.
  3. God gave him secrets of Hebrew and Greek that he has used to make his new translation of the Bible.
  4. His wife has levitated off the ground twice and has seven dreams from God every night.
  5. The great last days harvest will begin in 2013 when every stadium in New York will be filled with evangelistic activities, and continue through 2020 when it will really ramp up. (Imagine someone prophesying that 2020 will be a great year of public outreach events). 30 million Americans will get saved during this time.
  6. Between 2015 and 2016, 20% of Californians will get saved.
  7. He went on a long ride, on a fiery chariot, through the northeast area of the U.S. and watched the sunrise with “a prophet whose name you would know.”
  8. God touched his head and supernaturally “expanded the capacity” of his brain. Brian says he confirmed this with a “top brain mapping scientist.”
  9. One day in the future God will give him a book that has all the unwritten works of Jesus. This will spark a massive new revival around the world.
  10. Brian will one day have so much glory on him that people within a 50 mile radius will feel it.
  11. One day soon (as of several years ago) God would literally put supernatural pillars of fire over church buildings so that people won’t have to ask where the church is. They will see it.
  12. Brian understands the book of Revelation better than other people because God gave him the “spirit of revelation.”
  13. Adam teleported around the garden of Eden.
  14. In order for him to translate the Bible he says “it was like I received a chip” in his head and that “immediately, downloads came.”
  15. Many of his supernatural revelations and new understandings of the Bible are not only included in his Passion Translation of the Bible but are also included in the footnotes.
  16. Fire once shot out of his head and caught a church on fire. They had to call the fire department and replace the sound system.
  17. He once went to the store to get milk and the glory of God was so powerfully on him that everyone he passed by just fell over. He first thought they were all having heart attacks but then realized it was the glory.
  18. He doesn’t understand why more people won’t call the Holy Spirit “her.”

Some of these claims can be tested and some can not. The ones that can be tested (such as prophecy about stadiums and specific numbers of people getting saved) are demonstrably false. What does that tell you about the ones that can’t be tested?

Friends, I have video footage of every one of these things. Eventually I’ll share it all in a long video. Until then, know that Brian Simmons is not to be believed.”

Burn The Passion Translation. It’s not a translation and it’s not a Bible. I wouldn’t say don’t be a part of a church that uses it, but maybe… It has the feel of a Joseph Smith rewrite.

What is the moral of the story?

  1. KNOW YOUR BIBLE. Deception is going to come and the waters will be muddied. People will want to hear what their itching ears want to hear. Know the Bible yourself so you can distinguish truth from lies, and help others do the same.
  2. STAND AGAINST THESE DECEPTIVE TRANSLATIONS: They will come but we do not have receive them, accept them or endorse them. We should make every effort to preserve the truth. This is true with all of these translations that are muddying the waters.