Sin Altars have become Altars for Sinning – Hos 8

The very place the LORD set up for them to find forgiveness for their sins was the very place they went to do evil acts of sin. Unbelievable.

A wooden idol is something a man has made. It is not God. So why worship it, O Israel?

When a nation plants seeds of destruction, don’t be surprised when they reap tornadoes.

When they plant death, do not be surprised if they produce more death and not life. What do nations expect?

How long will they be incapable of purity” (Hos 8:5).

Ephraim (northern Israel) has sold herself to her lovers” (Hos 8:9).

God’s judgment was coming upon them. The very lovers they prostituted themselves with would use them and betray them. They would be scattered to the nation.

Is it any wonder why God hates sin?

As I’m reading this I can’t help but think of the world situation. Do we think that little children can be so inundated with sexual confusion that it won’t reap extraordinary disaster?

Have even God’s own people so hardened their hearts that they have become “incapable of purity”?

Have we sold our souls to our lovers?

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