Suffering so Bad You Wonder Why You Were Born- Job 3

Job is suffering deeply.  He has lost everything to dear to him in this world–his family, and now he has lost his health.  He is in terrible,incurable and unending pain.    Right now, he is going to be raw before God.

May the day I was born perish..” (v. 3)

Why was I not still born…” or “why was I not hidden like a miscarried child”  for “there the weary find rest” (v. 11, 16, 17)

Why is light given to one burdened with grief…who wait for death…and are glad when they reach the grave?” (v. 20-22).

For the one thing I feared has overtaken me…I have no rest” (v. 25-26).

What he has feared has happened.  And it is far worse than he could have ever dreaded.  In honesty he just wanted to die.  He looked forward to death.  In fact, he wishes he had never been born as the suffering is so intense.



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