What We Learn from the Psalms

What We Learn from the Psalms

It should have only taken 5 months.  It took 14 months to actually get through the Psalms!   In fact, I have read a few Bible blogs that just seem to stop in the Psalms and I understand that in a real way.  It’s easy to get bogged down. It was interesting for me...
Whose Righteousness? And Praying for Enemies? Ps 143

Whose Righteousness? And Praying for Enemies? Ps 143

When we pray, or sometimes plead with the LORD in hard circumstances, we often site our own righteousness.  Haven’t we tried to follow you?  Haven’t we tried to do good?  I haven’t done anything majorly evil, LORD. But not David.  David knows the...
David’s Back Against the Wall Prayer – Ps 142

David’s Back Against the Wall Prayer – Ps 142

I’d never thought of it before but taking your military unit, however many there are which we think were many, and hiding in a cave would have been a big gamble.  If you were successfully able to hide, then great.  But if you were found, there would be no escape...
The LORD will Fulfill His Purpose for Me – Ps 138

The LORD will Fulfill His Purpose for Me – Ps 138

Is this not one of the most beautiful statements? “The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me” (v. 8). Can you imagine living your whole life only to have not fulfilled His purpose for you?  That’s a tough pill to swallow and one we wrestle with...
Sing Praise to His Name, for It Is Delightful – Ps 135

Sing Praise to His Name, for It Is Delightful – Ps 135

Sing.  Sing praise.  Sing praise to His name.  Because it is delightful (v. 3). He is the author of creation.  “He causes the clouds to rise from the ends of the earth.  He makes lightning for the rain and brings the wind from his storehouses” (v. 7). He...

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