The Men of Integrity – 2 Kings 12

Joash was the King of Judah and the temple was in ruins, so he called the priests to take the money from the offerings and rebuild the temple.  Yet, the did nothing.  King Joash confronted them and they mutually agreed to not take the money for repair of the temple, but only from the restitution and sin offering in which they were provided for.

Instead the high priest had a box and drilled a hole in it for offerings at the temple.  When the box was filled up with money, they took it and counted it out and gave it to the workers who were working on the temple.  It was with this that the temple finally began to be repaired.  And then it says something interesting about the who were overseeing the money, the king’s secretary and the high priest:

No accounting was required from the men who received the money to pay those doing the work, since they worked with integrity” (2 Kings 12:15).

The king trust them.  The nation trusted them.  Because these men were without reproach.  What an extraordinary testimony to these men’s honor.

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