To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

The Most Prophetic Chapter in the Bible – Daniel 11

Literally over 130 prophecies are fulfilled in this chapter, so much so that unbelievers think that it couldn’t be possible. That this vision could not have taken place before the events. But we know through the prophecies of Jesus of which there are twice as many that this is very possible.

In a nutshell chapter 11 details what happened between the Selucids and the kings of the North and the Ptolemies (Egyptians) with the Kings of the South. There is great war and conflict between the two as they alternate who has the superiority.

The problem, and I believe the reason this was shown to Daniel, was that Israel was caught in the middle. The location of Israel has always been very strategic and every kingdom wants that piece of land. It’s a significant place for trade between East and West and has a very strategic Sea at its disposal.

The Seleucid kingdom would mainly dominate Israel. Not only that but he would do great harm to the Beautiful Land and the people of the covenant. Thousands would be slaughtered and the temple desecrated with Antiochus Epiphanes. It truly was a horror. And the Lord was preparing Daniel.

It’s easy to get lost in the details of chapter 11 and move on. But on the other hand it makes one think. God truly known that there will be times of great slaughter of his people? That there will be terrible, unbearable times? If that’s the case…why?

I do believe he answers that in chapter 12 in a very powerful way. And we’ll get to that.

But it is interesting to think on that the Lord knows and even prepared Israel for this terrible event. It would last for years.

It makes me think of our own hardships. What if God had told me, you will be in a terrible season of suffering and it will last a long time. How would we respond? Would it help to assuage the bitterness of soul that comes from suffering sometimes? Would it comfort us to know God knows about this?

I think it would. Maybe. Perhaps it would at least give us perspective.

That is if we combine it with chapter 12.

This we need to take to heart. Our sufferings are not a surprise to God. We don’t always understand why he allows them. But we can have the hope found in chapter 12. Suffering is for a moment compared to eternity.



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