The Rhythms of Our Worship – Num 29-30

Our current rhythms of worship for most of the Christian world include Sundays, Christmas and Easter.  And Thanksgiving if you are in the US.

But the Jews practiced a more integrated rhythm of worship

  • Morning and evening sacrifices
  • Sabbath sacrifices
  • First of the Month Sacrifices
  • Special Holidays of Passover, Harvest, Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Booths

On their special holidays they were explicitly told not to work.  They were to celebrate their feasts and special days.

In some ways morning or evening, many of us spend time in the Word and in Worship, but maybe like Psalm 1 we need to make that a morning and evening, night and day kind of thing.

Sabbath.  We typically gather together on the Sabbath so that’s pretty common.

But first of the month?  Who knew God longed for our worship in an extra way on the first of the month?

And our special holidays we do celebrate.

When I read this, I am longing to add more to my worship.

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